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Sustainability and  Digitisation are important challenges and spearheads within European and Dutch policy. Various programmes, agreements and policy objectives stimulate Europe's climate-neutral and better prepared for the future. In addition to zero emissions and circularity, reducing raw material consumption is a priority within the various industries.


The Building & construction industry (B&C) is a major sector worldwide, employing more than 100 million people and responsible for 13% of global GDP. However, in contrast to other manufacturing industries, the B&C's innovation and productivity growth level is relatively low. This is mainly due to shortcomings in the implementation of digitization. Therefore, innovating this industry in the coming decades will be essential to managing the growing demand for housing and infrastructure. At the same time, considering the environmental requirements, making the sector more sustainable will be paramount.


In recent years, one of the most promising technological developments within the B&C is concrete construction using 3D concrete printing (3DCP) technology. This technology is a step forward in the automation and digitization of the B&C and, in the long term, can be a more sustainable, safer and cheaper alternative to the current methods for concrete construction.


The initiators of this project, Zavhy, a start-up company from Veldhoven, Van Beek from Drunen and TBRM Engineering Solutions from Eindhoven, contribute to both challenges. The associates of Zavhy with a research background in 3D concrete printing technology lead the R&D related to fibre reinforcement technology. VanBeek has unique knowledge and expertise in accurate dosing of material and is responsible for all mechanical developments for the FRED system. In addition, TBRM ES is an expert in mechatronic solutions and will act as a system integrator responsible for electronics and control of the FRED system.



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